Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Trip to the River

Hi all, I would like to share with you some photos from my first scrapbooking retreat. My friends and I stayed at a cabin on the river for 3 days in 2009. And for 3 days we scrapbooked, ate good food and had good fun.  I took photos of the river with my Samsung camera. Thes

These 2 photos were taken at 6 am on Saturday morning. The fog just hung over the river for what seemed like hours. The next photo was taken later in the day as the barge came up past the cabin where we were staying

I will be back soon with some more photos. These photos were taken on our first retreat.


  1. Hiya Joyce. It looks so peaceful and very dramatic with the fog over the river. Such a beautiful scene. Happy memories.
    Love Sandra xx

  2. Hi Joyce lovely pictures looks so peaceful
    Luv Jane xxx

  3. Hi Joyce, these are really nice and serene. Glad you're enjoying your classes of photography; lots of memories to scrap.

  4. Now am i the only one who thinks fog is creepy?
    I would love to see this place.... but i have loved looking at your photos.
    I need classes.... i cant take photos for toffees. I look forward to seeing more of your pics joyce.
    love lynx

  5. Great pics Joyce. Can't wait to see more. Yet another string to your bow :)
